Sunday, June 2, 2013

Time for an update

As it turns out, I am a terrible blogger! I told myself I would do weekly updates and that really didn't work out, I did think it was time for an update though so here goes! I am now 32 weeks pregnant with our beautiful little baby girl we are eagerly counting down to her due date which is a mere 52 days away! I feel like my pregnancy has absolutely flown by, so I am trying to really enjoy it while it lasts. Our little girl is constantly kicking around and LOVES to kick mommy in the ribs, but I am enjoying it while it lasts because I know I am totally going to miss this part! In the upcoming weeks we have our co-ed baby shower, plans to finish the nursery, plans to change our bedroom around and much more!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yay for month #4

How far along? 16 weeks :)
Total weight gain/loss? about 3lbs
Maternity clothes: I purchased a couple shirts that I don't quite fill out yet and got a belly band mostly for my comfort.
Stretch marks: not yet! (knock on wood!)
Sleep: It is rough catching any!
Best moment this week? Discovering my hidden love for grapefruit.
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Grapefruit, I can't get enough! Also any fresh fruits and veggies I can get my hungry little hands on!  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still onions and fried foods.
Have you started to show yet? Im not sure if I look pregnant of just chunky!
Gender prediction: I go back and fourth!
Symptoms: Morning sickness and being extremely tired.
Labor signs: Nope!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but its becoming a halfie!
Wedding rings on or off? on!
Looking forward to: Hopefully feeling this little nugget move around soon, and finding out the gender on the 27th! It can't come fast enough!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our big news!!

Word is officially out there is going to be a new little Jones in town and we couldn't be more excited! I have promised myself that I will try to leave all of the mushy pregnancy posts off of Facebook, so instead of blowing up everybody's news feed I will try to make as many updates here on our blog. While I am at it I have also decided to jump on the "Pregnancy weekly survey bandwagon" so here goes nothin'!
How far along? 14 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: approximately 2 lbs. I'll know better atmy appointment next week.
Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Stretch marks? Thankful that I haven't spotted any yet.
Sleep: Sleep? What is that?
Best moment this week: Finally announcing our pregnancy to the rest of our family and friends!
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Subway! I have already had 2 footlongs this week, and I am dying for more! And watermellon, curse the delicious seasonal fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw onions, bacon, greasy foods!

Have you started to show yet: Yes, I have a feeling by the end of this pregnancy I am going to be huge!
Gender Prediction: I go back and fourth. Brock and my dad say a boy and my mom says a girl, I guess we will just have to wait and see :)

Symptoms: Morning, noon and night sickness.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? So far it is still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Our doctor appointment next week and spending lots of quality time with my hubby during our days off together!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Gunlock Rodeo Fun

Nobody loves to get away as much as I do which is probably why the rodeo lifestyle fits me so well, this weekend we took a little get away and went to the Gunlock rodeo! Besides getting to hang out with some of our favorite people, it was great because I got to breakaway rope and team rope which I haven't got to do for a while! The first night I roped a 2.7 in the breakaway and roped an 8.06 (+5)  with my good friend Josh in the team roping, even though I only heeled one leg we still placed, but the best was yet to come! Josh decided to lend me his head horse so I could rope for Brock, I was a little nervous after not roping heads for 2 years and riding a horse I have never been on before, I ended up catching for Brock but he sadly missed the heels he was a little hard on himself but I was SO happy we got to rope together! The second night didn't go quite as well I ended up being a 2.9 in the breakaway and had some hard luck with both Brock and Josh in the team roping, regardless of our hard luck we had a blast and got to spend some much needed time with Brock's family! it was a long and tiring weekend, but I am ready to go again this weekend! Next stop Triple C Arena in Panguitch, Utah for the NBHA barrel race!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Our summer has been very busy so far and it doesn't look like we will be slowing down anytime soon!  June was jam packed with brandings, camping trips, and celebration. On June 21st I celebrated my 20th birthday and kissed my teenage years goodbye, on June 22nd we celebrated my moms 49th birthday! Our July is looking to be just as busy as last month with rodeos and barrel races every weekend, which is why summer is my favorite time of year! I look forward to spending a lot of time on the road this month and getting to spend time with my awesome family, as the weeks go on I hope I can get a lot more blogging done, because I truly do enjoy it! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Taking the Good With The Bad

This past week has been filled with both fun and stressful moments. Last wednesday Dandy got very dehydrated and wasn't feeling well at all, she scared me to death, but with a little TLC we got her feeling better. I hate when something is wrong with one of my horses because they can't tell you exactly what they need and it becomes quite the guessing game. The following days were long and lonely ones, I wasn't able to ride her because I was waiting for her to get her strength back and Brock was gone until late at night for work, this is the down side to living in the middle of nowhere, you have nobody! While he was at work I finished my finals, I wish I could say these are my last ones until fall, but I am taking summer courses! Sunday morning we packed up and headed to Caliente, Nevada for another barrel race, Caliente is only about 85 miles from us so not a bad trip, luckily Dandy was feeling good enough to run. It was SO hot down there, but an awesome race Dandy ran an 18.1 which put me 1 spot out of the money in the 3-D and too fast to win money in the 4-D, either way it was a ton of fun and I was so proud of my horse! Yesterday was mine and Brocks 1 year wedding anniversary, we didn't do much and we didn't even get to spend a lot of time together he worked all day and I cleaned all day. Good thing we decided to celebrate tomorrow when we go to Saint George instead! Along with celebrating our anniversary tomorrow we will also be attending Brock's sister Mauri's graduation we are so proud of her, and I will more than likely show this by crying my eyes out! With all of this said, I think I have caught you up on most of the important events over the past week, I promise I will try to get better about updating our blog!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's been a while

I know it has been a while, things seem to be crazy around here. We have been branding a lot and I have been getting my horses in shape for some rodeos! This last weekend Dandy, Chelsey, and I set out for Panguitch for an NBHA barrel race. This was mine and Dandy's first barrel race in over 2 years, to say I was nervous would be an under statement! My nerves were not neccessary we had a great weekend!

Friday: We won the 4-D
Saturday: We won 2nd in the 4-D
Sunday: Again 2nd in the 4-D We also won the average.

I am so proud of Dandy, I expected to go over there and have it be a training session instead she shocked me! I also got to do the photography over there, we had a couple camera malfunctions, but in the end we got some good pictures! It was a long, fun, stressful, and a very exhausting weekend! I just wish my hubby could have been there with us!